Oct 29, 2008

10 Ways You Can Be Healthier In The Office

Office work is notoriously unhealthy - sitting down at a computer for 8-12 hours straight. It’s not fun and not’s not something that’s going to help your struggle for a lean body…Here are 10 simple ways which you can be healthier in the office - and exactly how they will help your body!However, there are ways which you can work around the inconvinient idleness of the office environment and actually become healthier in the office:

1. Drink Plenty Of Water
Hydration is probably the most important factor of survival. Not only do we depend on water to live but even if we have a small defecit of it, we can be bedridden thanks to the headaches and thirst that it brings.But there’s a much more important reason to keep yourself hydrated (I.E drinking 4 pints a day) - even if you are mildly dehydrated, your metabolism could be affected by as much as 3%! That means that it’ll be even harder for you to lose any weight in the future.

2. Walk Around. A Lot.

Office work, especially if you’re sitting down at a computer, is notorious for not giving you the chance to stretch your legs and do some much needed calorie burning. Take every opportunity you can - even if it’s to just head to the photo copier - to walk around and keep the blood pumping around your legs.

3. Take Fruit As Snacks
Ever been tempted by that delicious-looking cookie or those birthday cakes someone brough in? Forget them…. unless you’re taking a large dosage of fruit to keep the balance of “good” and “bad” foods :-) Fruits not only keep your hunger under control but they also give our bodies much needed fibre which helps with your digestive system. It’s far more beneficial to eat an orange or banana than a dohnut or candy any day!

4. Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Being tired not only makes concentrating more difficult but it’s also been suggested that it doesn’t do much good for your metabolism. Getting a good night’s sleep (I.E going to bed EARLY if you need to) will not only make your office life much more enjoyable but healthier too.

5. Make A Point Of Going Outside For Lunch
If you’ve got a cafeteria or eat at your desk, it will be much more healthy to get some fresh air outside for obvious reasons - the first being that you can actually stretch your legs to get the blood pumping freely around them again. The second being that you’ll actually be able to give your eyes and brain a much needed rest from the stressful office environment. Believe me - it pays to get out at lunch time!

6. Have A Filling & Healthy Breakfast
There’s nothing worse than glancing at the clock, seeing the time’s 10:55 and feeling your stomach groaning and rumbling with starvation. It’s a fact that we need to eat every 3-4 hours which means that many people stick to having elevensies to keep them going mid-morning. However, this could have a diverse effect on your metabolism which means that you should always try and eat as much as you can for breakfast to keep you going until 12:00 or 13:00 (whenever you have lunch).

7. Don’t Skip Meals
Skipping lunch is commonplace and is possibly the worst thing you can do for your metabolism. Not only does it make your body cling onto every last ounce of energy but it also means that when you eat your next meal - it will hoard as much of that as possible as fat. In other words - you skip lunch and you put a huge spanner in the works of your metabolism.

8. Don’t Go The Gym At Lunch
This is on the same lines as the last point - whereby if you skip eating lunch and just go the gym to burn as much fat as possible, you could actually be doing more harm than good. Since your metabolism will think that you’re not getting a frequent amount of food, it will attempt to store as much of the energy you do eat as fat - meaning when it comes to dinner time - your waist line is going to expand instead of remaining the same.

9. Try And Walk To Work
Okay - different people have different circumstances - but if you’re lucky enough to live locally to your place of work, then the health benefits of walking will be profound. Not only will you be able to burn off some morning calories but you’ll also feel more awake and ready to go when you get to work!

10. Get Involved With (Or Start) Sports Clubs
Basketball, football, baseball - whatever tickles your fancy… get a bunch of the lads from work to get together one night and make a little social gathering of it. This will not only bond the team but it will also help you burn a LOT of extra weight. This point is possibly the most overlooked one which MILLIONS of people could be benefitting from right now!

So there you have it - 10 ways to stay healthy in the office!!

Do you rely on BMI?

If you’re interested in health and nutrition, odds are you’ll know your BMI. Lots of diet websites offer calculators to work out your Body Mass Index so you can be easily labeled under, over, normal weight, or obese.

It’s long been acknowledged that your BMI can be dangerously misleading, but it’s become more notable recently with the furore over Nintendo’s Wii, which uses BMI to declare young children overweight. This week the Sun also published an investigation with readers and nutritionists bemoaning how easily BMI can fail to truly indicate an individual’s health.

The problem is that BMI focuses on height and weight alone; it does not tell you the ratio of fat to muscle mass and therefore people who are fundamentally slim often have a high BMI. Think of the English Rugby squad: they have a huge BMI but no-one could call them fat!

It’s far more helpful to take into account hip to waist ratio and muscle mass. And the great thing about high protein diets is that they focus on muscle and not weight. If you’re slim, feel fit and are medically fantastic, you’re certainly not a slave to the number on your scales.

As someone who sees so many people riddled with insecurities and confusion about their weight, I realize all too well BMI definitely does not help; thankfully the message has begun to spread.

Weight loss is natural. Do we really need drugs?

Amongst all the panic and pontificating about the ‘obesity crisis’, we seem to have lost sight of one rather important thing. Gaining weight is natural. So is losing it. We’re not suddenly in the grip of a mystifying disease. Our bodies work the same way they always have, and why and how they get fatter and thinner remains pretty obvious too.

However, we seem to think that we can best control this problem with new and unnatural solutions: more often than not, the latest slickly marketed drugs. But last week yet another obesity drug was taken off the market after it was shown to have a high risk of causing mental health problems by attacking the body’s natural levels of serotonin.

This drug was lauded for reducing body mass by around 5%, but this is no great claim, after all. An intelligent diet and lifestyle programme can easily achieve a 5% reduction, with no side effects and in fact many additional positive implications, such as establishing a healthy, sustainable relationship with food, and feeling good about being able to control your own diet and life.

Of course, the ‘downside’ of this kind of real food, individually empowering programme is that it doesn’t make drug companies a lot of money. But that’s one downside that can make you feel good.

Oct 22, 2008

Get Tight Sexy Stomach

5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs

1. Many so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat... yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.

2. Ab exercises like crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are the LEAST effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We'll explore what types of exercises REALLY work in a minute.

3. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. I'll show you the exact types of unique workouts that produce 10x better results below.

4. You DON'T need to waste your money on expensive "extreme fat burner" pills (that don't work) or other bogus supplements. A special class of natural foods is much more effective. I'll tell you about these natural foods and their powers below.

5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that "ab contraption"... they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. Again, you'll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.

Here's the REAL Truth About Losing Stubborn Belly Fat and Getting a Flat Stomach...

Women Click Here

to start losing stubborn tummy fat and getting a tight sexy stomach like hers.

Men Click Here

to start losing belly fat and carving out ripped six pack abs like his.

Oct 10, 2008

Lose Belly Fat - Rule #5

Exercise, exercise, exercise! Get your lazy backside off the couch, put down the beer and head on to the gym. Have I got your attention? Good! If you do not know how to get started, hire a personal trainer to kick off your new healthy lifestyle. If you want to exercise by yourself, get some books on weight loss and exercise to help you start off the right track. Workout with weights at least twice per week and do your cardio at least three times a week. Each weight training session is around 45 minutes and each cardio session is around 30 mins. So, actually, you can just workout three times a week. Two days you will combine weights and cardio and on one day you just do your cardio. Learning how the celebrities get fit can give you inspiration, and we have workouts and diet tips from some of our favourite celebs to help you.
Losing belly fat and getting a flat stomach is a long term goal for most people, so persevere, stick to te plan, don't give up. In addition to these tips, look to enhance your fitness training by following specific routines and schedules. Organising your weekly routine makes it much easiey for you to follow. After a while it will become second nature to get out and exercise. If you do not have to think about what you are going to do, then that saves precious time. To keep a diary, write up your training goals and progress in an exercise log, and just do it!
One of the best ways to help yourself lose your belly fat is to educate yourself on how the body works, and how to exercise it properly.

Lose Belly Fat - Rule #4

Decrease that alcohol consumption. I am sure that most people know that alcohol can cause weight gain, but I am certain that they do not know the degree of impact that alcohol can cause. Excess alcohol consumption can really give you that belly. Have you seen people that are slim all over but have a beer belly sticking out? Well, that is effect of excess alcohol consumption. One gram of alcohol, which is can be calculated as one ml of alcohol contains 7 calories. Even thought the amount of calories is lesser than of fat, alcohol calories are completely useless. Alcohol does not contain any nutrients at all. So, the entire amount of calories consumed through alcohol will be stored as fat!
Alcohol is also in the form of liquid. That means, you can really consume a lot at one sitting! I am not saying that you should avoid alcohol totally, just go for moderation. Do not drink everyday and limit your self to one glass of wine or one bottle of beer.Rule #5

Lose Belly Fat - Rule #3

Try not to have late night snacks. The main problem with late night snacking is that there is not much activity done afterwards. People go straight to bed right after the late night meal because they are tired. So, this will cause high sugar levels in the blood stream and no energy spent after that. The excess sugar will just turn into fat. Losing belly fat requires a strict diet.
Try to consume you last meal around 2-3 hours before your bedtime. If you are hungry during late nights, consume a small meal.Rule #4

Lose Belly Fat - Rule #2

Consumption of carbs is essential, but there are good carbs and bad carbs. Refined flours and the foods that they create, such as white bread, pasta, donuts, cakes and biscuits should be avoided. They can cause bloating, poor digestion, and lead to accumulation of fat. "Good carbs", such as fresh fruits and vegetables, should be eaten instead. A diet that takes most of its carbs from fruits and vegetables, as opposed to flours, is healthier. Ideally granary or wholemeal bread should be eaten instead of white bread, and biscuits and cakes should be avoided. Consuming too much carbohydrate can bump up your insulin level which can slow down your metabolism. Your body cannot metabolize too much carbohydrate at once because the body doesn't need so much energy at once. The excess sugar will just turn into belly fat. Slow release carbs are also beneficial, such as oats, brown rice, some pulses and sweet potato.
Much research has shown that adopting the Strip The Fat Approach, i.e. a high fat/protein diet, is the way ahead. Avoiding carbs increases fat burning metabolism (lipolysis) which helps to reduce stomach fat.
Combine your meals with a good combination of protein, carbohydrate and vegetables. Your source of protein should be in a size of a deck of cards; the carbohydrates in a size of your palm and the major bulk of your meals should come from vegetables.Rule #3

Lose Belly Fat - Rule #1

To lose belly fat you have to throw out the junk food! You are what you eat, so don't eat junk. Do not keep junk food like cookies, chips, sweets and other similar products in your house. If you do not have these bad foods lying around, you will not think about it and after sometime, you will break the bad eating habits. But, why is junk food so bad? Mostly it is due the the high sugar content of junk food. Most junk food consists of refined carbs and sugar, which when eaten quickly raise blood sugar levels, leading to reduction in fat burning and increase in apetite.Rule #2

How to Lose Belly Fat - Get a Flat Stomach

Knowing how to lose belly fat is the first step in gaining that flat stomach that so many people aspire to. Once the belly fat is lost, then you are only one step away from attaining the ultimate dream, the six pack.
If you are looking for advice on how to lose belly fat then following these tips and tricks will help you to lose that gut. Not everyone wants a washboard abs but if you just want to trim down some inches around the waist and get a flatter stomach, these tips can help you.
Belly fat seems to be a huge problem for lots of people, especially men. Naturally, men tend to hold more fat around their waist line, which we call love handles (or beer belly, pot belly). Besides the biological nature of men, modern lifestyle also has a huge impact on this. Work, stress, entertaining clients and lack of exercise contribute to the accumulation of belly fat. Belly fat is usually very stubborn fat, in that it requires a lot of work to reduce it. Losing the beer belly and getting a flat stomach can be a painfully slow experience, but it is certainly worth the efforts. The rewards are not only a better looking, sexier body, but also improved long term health. Recent research has shown that people with pot bellies are more prone to heart disease. If you are serious about losing weight to improve your looks and your health, then you need to take this advice seriously, and work hard to achive your weight loss goals.
Well, lets not get into the cause of obesity and weight gain but rather focus on some solutions that you can take to lose belly fat. We have broken the process of losing belly fat down into five simple rules; let's look at Rule #1